No. of interviewer = 3
Duration = 25 min
My serial no. = 6th out of 8
1. So Ashish, How are you?
2. Your interview is too late. Aren't you feeling bored? talking to other interviewees...
3. What are the opinions of other interviewees about us?
.....good. they seem to be satisfied...
4. Were you able to collect some questions? How are they? Easy or difficult?
...just general idea..some maths, some GK....
5. OK. Consider the world without bald peoples. Prove me mathematically that it is always possible to find two people who have exactly same number of hairs of their head.
.......average no. of hairs per square cm of area...
6. I said 'exact'. For a clue, suppose I want to take 80 or more students out of 80 students who appeared for interview today. Then, what is your probability?
7. Now, what is world's population?
......about 7 billion...
8. What is number of hairs on a person's head?
.....order of million.....( I got the clue now and proved it.)
9. What is distribution of people taking CAT in IITM across various branches?
10. How serious are they?
...i think all...CAT is too tough that it can't be taken as backup....
11. Really? Why?
12. Why Kota (my native place) famous for IIT?
13. Did you take some coaching? For management?
14. What did they tell you? your self, read, maintain good body language....
15. What did you read today?
16. Explain the motto of your school, "Fear of the God is the beginning of wisdom".
.....fear from powerful you action...don't do wrong...
17. Then these are your view about Bush? He is powerful too.
.....tyrannical...mean..God is impartial...
18. How can you say?
....matter of belief...
19. Did you prepare for GD and interviews?
20. Why don't leave to God?
...God helps those who help themselves...
21. How much did you prepare? within the constraints....
22. What constraints? year project etc...
23. Tell us something about your "Medatwaal Vaishya Samaaj" (my sub-caste)?
...based on followers of Kheradevi of Kherabad...5 lac population..
24.Find the sum of one, one-half, one-third, one-fourth...till infinity?
25. Will it be finite or infinite?
.....there is a theorem which evaluates ratio of two successive terms...finite. about.
little more than two...
26. How do you rate your performance in GD?
27. Place your self?
.....3rd or 4th...
28. Tell us two good things about you, and not the group as a whole, in GD.
.....content, body language....
29. Two bad things?
....summary since I was given 7th chance and all my points were already spoken, swayed by group in discussing Saddam's past....
30. OK. Thank you. Phone me when you find out the sum. Find my number from web-site.
COMMENTS: Very good interview. No stress. They seem to be in good humour and we had nice chat. I think I'll get through.