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IIM Ahmedabad : GD / Interview Details


Ashish Gupta,
CAT ID 041515, 99.53 %ile
Fresh Graduate in Civil Engg. from IIT Madras,
Date of GD/PI : Feb 23rd, 03 at 9:00AM


No. of Participants = 10
Time = 5 min (plan) + 20 min (discussion)
Type : Case based


Gorachand - a jeweller in Ahmedabad - home delivery and cash payment mode of business. employs artisans - 1800pm salary - gives them loan & then make them work - 800pm for expenses + 1000pm towards loan repayment. artisans happy since low cost of living - loan repaid in 2-3 yrs. enough of artisans available in market. work in a old building at rent of 2000pm. good sales 50 lacs last year, well reputed. from past 2 yrs Gorachand living in bunglaw but uses Bajaj scooter to maintain 'ordinary' image. recently communal riots in area - shop and sales affected - hence want to shift factory near his house. people there dont like factories to be opened, but Gorachand's friend offers him a place at comparable rent - this area has high cost of living. reply to friend within a week. how will artisans react? - what should Gorachand do?

COMMENTS : Simple topic, agreement within 5 minutes that he has to shift. 20 min lot of time, little to speak, ideas kept repeating. no shouting, peace ful GD. Average performance.


No. of interviewer = 3
Duration = 20 min
My serial no. = 8th out of 10

1. So, Ashish you seem to have unusual hobby, 'teaching children'. Elaborate? teaching learning process...nice them
2. What do you teach?
....maths, english, science..
3. So you have 100 out of 100 in mathematics. Are you a good mathematicians?
....interested in mathematics and hence engineering...
4. What about 10th?
...98 out of 100...
5. Why do you want to do management?
.....decision making influence people lives....
6. Suppose you build a bridge, won't it affect lives of people?
...yes, but within limited scope..
7. How can a person selling soap will influence life of others or contribute to economy? not just about selling soaps, but learning to deal with people...
8. In Saarang, there was a show by Shaan. Did you attended it?
9. He was late by half-an-hour. To make him on time they violated all traffic rules, went opposite on one-ways, and ran across red lights, just to satisfy 1500 odd students. How do you justify that?
....not correct...
10. Should bending all rules for celebrities is correct?
...depends on the circumstances...
11. Take this circumstance, and formulate a policy for IIT Madras for next year.
...better pre-planning..
12. In Gujarat earthquake last year many building failed. Why?
.....poor quality of construction...not designed for earthquake..
13. Is quality of construction good in Chennai?
14. Tell us how to do earthquake resistant design?
..analyse through softwares..find loads by response spectrum method....
15. Write down the equations.
16. Any special problem with water tanks? (I wondered for a moment whether even they know about IITM's 'water tank'; but realised that they are talking in different context)
...nonhomogeneous mass distribution...pendulum like vibration..
17. What about stair-cases? What else can be cause of failure?
.....liquifaction of soil..coastel area...(I forgot that its about Ahmedabad and talked for Bhuj)
18. Coastel area? How far is sea from Ahmedabad?
....dont know..

COMMENTS: Nice start, but ended badly. Average performance.
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