Well as the title aptly says, reading is my passion. I would like to read whenever and wherever - if I like the content. In fact, my favourite pastime and relaxation is reading. I haven't read many books since this passion is relatively new. But I like reading all detective, suspense, mystry, science fiction, thought-provocing and intellectual books. I don't particularly like ramantic and thriller books.
Among Indian authers I love R.K.Narayan and I specially liked his My Dateless Diary - for his marvelous recollection of events potraying foreigners and their perception of India; The English Teacher - for an excellent emotional story; A horse and two goats - for great collection of short stories pertinet to common village life but touching deep within; The financial Expert - for a captivating humor turned sentiments; and Vendor of Sweets - for beautifully depicting the life of a village man under influence of foreign-return son. I have also read his Bachelor of arts, The guide and Maneater of Malgudi.
I am die hard fan of Issac Asimov for his robot and 'Elizah Bailey' series of books like The Robot Vision - a must read collection of enthrilling, mysterious short stories; The Caves of Steel - a great science fiction and detective story; and Robots of Dawn. I also loved his The Kingdom of Sun for its simple chronological history of study of universe.
I always like Agatha Cristie's novels for their intriguing suspense and mystry. I have read some like, Blood in the Air, Ten little Nigger and Murder in Retrospect.